The Crisis We Are In | Pastor Shannon Pinto | April 18, 2021

How does the Church respond to this pandemic that is ravaging the world?

We have a God who loves us so much that He gave the ultimate sacrifice to die in our place. As a church we have to take a stand between life and death. Let us be discerning and be salt & light in the areas God has placed us in.

In view of the current situation of many people we know being are a few thoughts / points that could be helpful:

1. Abide in the LORD through Prayer, Worship and Studying the Word.

2. Stay connected to family, friends and your Life-Group / Church members.

If you need anything or any help... PLEASE ASK!

3. Take care and practical precautions to minimize the possibility of getting an infection.

4. Eat well, exercise, take vitamin supplements and do steam inhalation as often as you can.

5. Don't listen to lies, exaggerations. Be discerning and live wisely.

6. Please pray for those who have been unwell and reach out to those in need. Love in deed and not just in word. Keep in touch and communication with your family, relatives, friends and Life-Group members.

7. Share the Gospel!

Finally, we have one life and it's short. Make the most of each moment and day.

Numbers 16: 41 – 50

  1. Acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus in everything (His Love, Sacrifice, Goodness, Power).

  2. Acknowledge the gift and responsibility of prayer.

  3. Take your stand between the living and the day (in prayer and action).

  4. Fast and pray.


Who is your stronghold? | Pastor Shannon Pinto | May 9, 2021


The Road to Emmaus | Pastor Stanley Mehta | Easter Sunday | April 4, 2021